Wizard Animation

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009


The day 25th March untill 31st We, the 18th promotion travelled to Italy in the follow cities: Rome, Venezie, Florence and Pise. We were travell in tghe boat. And we arrived to Rome 6 hours late. In Rome, we visit the Italian capital and at night we and the bus come to venezie by the bus.
After the visit in Venezie we had free time and Me and more persons eve lost in venezian's streets.
Later we went to florence and then we stayed two night an Italian hotel, and is in the best site with the best food in the trip. At the followin day we visited the city with the rain.

The last day, we went to Pise and all the group take photos with the Pise Tower.

At 8.00 p.m. we had the boat and departed late.

Once already on the board an evil was waiting for our travel to return with bad time and people was very idiot.

We arrived to Barcelona at 8.00 p.m. with good time, and we had dinner in AutoGrill of the Autostreet.

Finally we arrived to Valencia with our families and our school.


My experience in the trip.

Photo: Luis A. camera's

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Duo Kie

Duo Kie is a rap group of Madrid, they group is compossed for Locus and Nerviozzo.

They do a rap hardcore in spanish.

Duo Kie are formed in 1998 because the friendship to Locus and Nerviozzo in 1997, thanks to Kool DJ x, Nerviozzo's Dj.

The first CD titulated ''2000 y pico'' are when the group not yet the name of Duo Kie, the first LP with the name Duo Kie are ''Barroco'' and ''21 centimetros''. ''Barroco'' are the third album with the colaboration of El Chojin, and this is the special album because song to song haven't pause.

''21 centimetros'' is the new actual LP and for me is the best CD of Duo Kie and have a bonus track with the collaboration of fourteen Mc.

The discography is this:

"2000 y pico" Maxi 1999
"La Famosa 12/13" LP 2000
"Non Freno" LP 2002
"Hoy No" Maxi 2004
"Barroco" LP2004
"En El Club Con 50 Céntimos Maxi 2006
"21 Centímetros" LP2008


Photo: Google

William Ockham

William Ockham was an English Franciscan and was philosopher, he was of Ockham, a little town of surrey. Is considered the largest speculative mind of the Middle Ages. Was a pioner of the nominalism.

William Ockham was goined in the Franciscan Order very young, and was educed in the London Franciscan House and after in the Oxford Institute, but the studyes was don't complete.

Ockham was probably more know today for this commitment to methaphysical nominalism. William also study philosophy logistic-medieval, phisic or philosofic and etic, as well as in theology.

William Ockham was born, probably in late 1287 or care 1288, in the villageof Ockham in the Surry condade at southoest of London Arround 1310, when he was around twenty three years, Ockham began his theological traning.

It is not certain that this training occurred.

It is not certain that this training took palce it could well have been at Oxford, where was one ther franciscan convent associated with the university. It could have been in the London convent, or could have been at Oxford, where he had another Franciscan 1324, to respond to the charges. He never went back to England.

In Avignon, he stayed at the Franciscan Convent there.
Photo: Google


Italy is a country with very much tradictions and histori my father is italian, and I chose this country for that reason. In this christmas I have been in Italy.

Italy have twenty regions with there capitals:
Liguria -->Génova, Lombardía -->Milán, Piamonte--> Turín,Valle de Aosta--> Aosta,

Emilia-Romaña -->Bolonia, Friuli-Venecia Julia -->Trieste, Trentino-Alto -->Adigio Trento,
Véneto -->Veneciam, Lacio -->Roma, Marcas -->Ancona, Toscana--> Florencia,
Umbria -->Perugia, Abruzos -->L'Aquila, Basilicata--> Potenza, Calabria -->Catanzaro,
Cmpania -->Nápoles, Molise -->Campobasso, Apulia--> Bari, Cerdeña-->Cagliari,
Sicilia -->Palermo.

In Italy the italians have a dialects own that this depending on the region you live for example in the south Italy the accent is more close then in Lombardia.
In Milano city the accent is the milanesse and it is the more perfect speaker. In the capit, Rome they speak with the accen opened.

My famili is of Milano but befor they was living in Marina di Lessina, a town in southern Italy, and they speak more fast and diferent than the perfect italian.

In christmas I went in Milano and I going to talk abaout monuments.
In Milano, in piazza Loreto was hanged Mussolini the twenty-eight of october in the year 1940.
The more important monument in Milano is the Duomo, that is a catedral in the center of Milano. The church Santa Maria delle Grazie have The Last Supper.
In Italy in eve year grappes are not taken, but take a mess of pottage and after they explode the firecrakers.

Informationof the regions: Wikipedia
Photo: Google

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008



Barack Hussein Obama Jr.was born the 4 of Augoust of 1961 in Honolulu, Hawái, U.S.A.

Is the new president of North America and for four years
Obama is Junior Senatorin Illinois. He is Attorney and he are laureated in University Columbia and University Harvard.
He promise to put end to the imperial practice, to the militarism, to the enslavement of so many countries of the South, etc.


John Sidney McCain III was born the 26 of Augoust of 1936 in Coco Solo, Panamá Canal zone, U.S.A.
McCain is a Senior Senator of Arizona. He was Naval Aviator of U.S.A. and he was graduated in Naval Academi in EE.UU.
McCain almost dies in the fire of the Forest USS.

Barak Obama was win because he was win's Afroamerican people, Latin people and the Young people. Click for see the-> ELECTORAL GRAPHIC


viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

Mas De Noguera

The days six of october until the eight of october me and my classroom we went to the ''Mas De Noguera'' in ''La sierra de Espadán'' is near of ''Almedijar''.
The first day:
We take the train in ''La estación del Norte'' and went to ''Caudiél' and we went walk until the ''Mas De Noguera'', the walk are very, very long, we arrive tired and later we went eat in the diningroom.
The food are very natural and sostenible, and the food was not bad.
In the evening we went free time until the dinner.
At the night we was playing funny and enjoy games.

The second day:
The second day we went workshops.
When we finish we eat in the dinningroom.
Later we was had freetime.
At the night we dinner, later we was have a party.
The Third day:
The third day we went to the ''Barranc de Ojos Negros''.
And later we went to House.
Photo -->
Hipervinculation --> http://www.masdenoguera.coop

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

WEB 2.0.

Web 2.0. is an informatic recourse that helps you to do important projects introducing new applications, like blogs, videos, virtual communities of photos, etc.

It is very used in the publicity because it helps you a lot to look for information and also to be able to give information.

Thanks of Web 2.0. appeared new programs like BiTorrent (distributor of contents), Wikipedia (encyclopaedia), tags, wikis, flickr (photographic communities), etc.

These are some examples of what is web 2.0. going to do for us.

It is also one important example of the technological advance.